after server restart) there is a 75% chance that a meteor shower will be triggered (Chance to Trigger Meteor).

The following was concluded from looking at the DevKit:.A Hardened Steel Pick or higher is required to obtain the ore.The Star Metal core can be struck 15-20x before collapsing.Grease from a Grease Orb or Oil Arrow may make it easier to ensure the meteor is sufficiently covered to avoid a bad angle, but this step is not necessary.This is primarily location-dependent, so if one fails to open, moving to a different angle before trying again will increase the chances of the next attempt succeeding. One hit from an Explosive Jar, Exploding Trap, Explosive Arrow or Demon-fire Orb can work, but meteorite shells are often bugged and not every explosion will crack them open.The outer shells have only 1 hit point, but can only be cracked open with explosive damage.You must destroy the outer shell of the meteorite before you can harvest it.Star metal meteorites can be seen glowing purple with Detect Resources.You will see them trail across the sky and hear their explosive boom as they crash on the mountain ridges. Cimmerians nearby hint at this, as they use star metal weapons. Star Metal Ore can be harvested from meteorites, which will fall in the western region of the Snow biome, just north of the Mounds of the Dead.

Put it to your ear and it practically hums with cosmic secrets like the ocean in a seashell. This ore, fallen from the sky, is a gift from the firmament. Who ever saw metal like it in a sane world? It seems less destructible than Aquilonian steel, yet see how it is corroded and eaten away in spots. Star metal ore and star metal are used as motives in the Conan the Adventurer series.This is a grisly thing,' shuddered the clerk.Whilst it is not as fast as gathering Star Metal from meteorites you can gain a small amount of star metal from killing Frost Giants or by recruiting thralls that have star metal weaponry and taking the weaponry and dismantling it in a dismantling bench.Buildings using star metal are not planned.See Star Metal Ore for information on meteorites.This strange material is not as easy to work with as earthly metals, but those of esoteric skill have devised a way to smelt star metal ore, with a technique that employs brimstone and black ice, to create ingots. This fallen metal from the sky, be it a gift from the gods or a curse from the wells of night, has mysterious properties that sages and sorcerers are only beginning to understand. At will steel blossoms bloom in unnamed gardens, or flower-swords flash in the moonlight. All substance is one to him who holds the key of the cosmos' he said cryptically.